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Birthday parties include 90 minutes of cooking or baking, recipe sheets, and a Polaroid photo for each guest. Parties are hosted at your home, but run by Nicole and Sarah. We bring all of the ingredients and all of the kitchen equipment needed!


Prices start at $350 for 8 little chefs. Each additional child is $20. We can also provide balloons, recipes binders for each guest, and gift bags for an additional cost. 


Email us at if you'd like to learn more about our birthday parties or inquire about availability.





Pasta Party 

Handmade pasta + tomato sauce + pesto + garlic bread


Lemonade Stand 

Blueberry muffins + confetti cookies + lemonade 


Crazy About Chocolate 

Chocolate cupcakes (that kids can also decorate) + gigantic chocolate chip cookies


Nacho Party, It's MY Party 

Fancy cheese sauce + spiced black beans + guac + pineapple salsa


Bake Sale 

Cupcakes (that kids can also decorate) + cookies + strawberry milk


Breakfast Bash 

Buttermilk waffles + mini frittatas + maple roasted bacon

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