Our classes teach real cooking and baking skills and are completely hands on. We like to have fun in the kitchen, but for the safety of our students and to ensure a positive experience for all of our mini chefs, we ask that you review the kitchen rules below with your child before class.
1. Keep hands (and feet, legs, heads, etc.) to yourself. This helps ensure nobody gets hurt and is appreciated by the kids in class who like their personal space.
2. Follow instructions. This one is particularly important from a safety standpoint since we use burners and knives and other kitchen equipment in class.
3. Help keep germs at bay. After we wash hands, we ask that kids do not touch their faces or try any food while we are cooking (they will have plenty of time to eat what we make during designated eating times!). We also ask that nobody shows up when they are sick!
4. Be kind to everyone. This one is easy! :)